Nightmares Are Not Reality

Don’t Stop Believing in Dreams

Louise Foerster


Photo by Aron Jäger on Unsplash

He has built a good living
Out of dreams others abandoned
Because it was easier to see
Obvious ruins and broken,
More acceptable to give up
On what’s shattering difficult.

Damaged and ruined
Take a long time to rescue
Possibility from conventional
Views of entropy as inevitable,
Yet yield quickly and decisively
To determined shovel.

I never met the man —
And likely never will,
But offer a standing ovation
To the brave and foolish
Investment in doomed
When he believed vision,

Risked psychic pain
Of being wrong and stupid
When the wiser and knowing
Argued the nuances
Never realizing
Angels don’t dance on pins.

Ruin is not a foregone
Conclusion unless you
Decide that it is,
Withdraw from risking
Or believing in case
Things don’t work out.



Louise Foerster

Writes "A snapshot in time we can all relate to - with a twist." Novelist, marketer, business story teller, new product imaginer…