Nomads of the Starry Deep

A journey till time ends

Ken Martin
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2024


We are not the ones
who breathe as the wind
and call forth the morning sun
from golden ocean waters,
and yet, we are eternal

We are fallen from the sky
quarks from the hearts
of stars that died
long dimmed and gone,
yet we live on

Humanity’s imprint upon
our wandering core
a gift of emotions, feelings,
meaning from small gestures
the soft touch of fingers on skin
unexpected smiles
a kind word when one is needed
memories that light our minds

Beneath a dwarf star we dwell
and we are grist for its own cataclysm
in some distant millennia
when we’ll sail off
atoms across the universe

To begin life anew perhaps
beneath another star
and so it goes —
waters dry, winds die
earth crumbles into dust
but we exist till time ends
nomads of the…

