Our Imagination

A poem.

Riddhi B
1 min readJun 4, 2019


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

“Was that real?

Or it was our imagination..?”

You asked me.

“Well I don’t have such big imagination”

I replied, and as my eyes met your gaze

You said.. “It was real”!

Something melt in my heart

Started flowing in my veins

As if I was standing in the storm..

Waiting for it to rain

You asked for it

And I gave you permission

Yes, you can touch my soul

And let your fantasy run free

For “ you made me feel desirable,

to someone I desire”.

I gave you a place in my heart

Before giving you a place in me..!!



Riddhi B
Writer for

Wherever I go, I spread smiles!! I have a positive attitude and my very own style!!!