
And the serenity of anonymity

Connie Song


Credit Tetiana Garkusha on paid subscription iStock.com

The serenity of anonymity.
Is someone out there
watching every move?
Secretly swallowing with their eyelids
and retinal scans
the diameter of your waning moon?

Parasitic paparazzi
falling down rabbit holes
pixelated escapades
with their sharpened barbs and razor blades
to graze you every time
like wagging tongues
or a barrage of bullets
no one hears your cries
when you’re floating under water.

Is big brother out there?
Picking through your bones
sifting through the dumpster
a carcass in the desert
monsters under bedside
violating your privacy
when you know someone’s out there
stealing your mojito and your macarena.

Grace notes: this was inspired by so many celebrities like Matt Damon who write how the paparazzi have zero respect for people in the public eye. But my question to you is this — with the invention of the camera phone, are we all now unsuspecting victims of public scrutiny as never before?

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Connie Song

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