
A poem

Mark A. Schrader
Published in
1 min readMay 5, 2020


Photo by Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash

I find myself again, unable to
sleep. Never able to explain what
forces my mind to wander. In the past
perhaps sadness. Sometimes joy. Sometimes
loneliness. Tonight, once more, my
emotions stir. Is it tireless…is it
timelessness that echoes? I do not
wonder of places I would
rather spend my moments. I cannot think
of better alternatives. Loneliness and want
are nonexistent in this place. This
wonderful place occupied by my heart,
intertwined with the heart of one other.
Is this the one for whom I’ve searched?
Searched in my soul? Every waking moment
spent waiting/hoping for this connection. I
welcome this feeling. A feeling that is more
powerful than any before it. I once dared
fate to do its worst…It has done wonderful
things for me. I have been given love. I
have found peace.

MAS (poetry)



Mark A. Schrader
Writer for

a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, ABFP SM and Retirement Management Advisor® who believes most of life is lived and imagined outside the numbers.