Periwinkle Fields

A Fictional Tale

Q. Imagine


Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

“To follow my nose, wherever it goes.”- Toucan Sam

The sound of the wind is so soothing that it could rock a baby to sleep. I sit and bask in it, over and over. It leaves for a few moments and comes back to say ‘hello again’. And I lay on beds of the tall grass and enjoy the breeze. The wind always brings the funnest of scents, though none from my flower garden. I crave the roses, the gardenias the lilacs and the lilies. They give off such pleasant smells though have few medicinal properties.

The entire acre of flowers I have is more for the delights of the eyes than for the delights of the nose. The chamomile, the peppermint, the dandelions and daisies. I work with them and make tinctures and medicine, most go to the poor and sick.

Though I do remember a time, like today, when I was greeted with the scents of the wind again. And an aroma carried on the breeze that was so tantalizing and dreamy. I was just laying in the tall grasses again and thinking about wild flowers, when the aroma came my way.

It made my mouth water and brought to my nose, a beautiful scent. The scent of newly bloomed lavender and the scent of freshly baked bread. I wanted to follow it. They say following your nose shows good instincts. So I did.



Q. Imagine
Writer for

Author of Eeala and The Water Dragons and The Exhale Chronicles. Screenwriter. Poet. Lover. Dreamer.