Prayer Into the Air

A prose poem

Masha Zubareva
2 min readFeb 22, 2024


Photo by Masha Zubareva

Hush, hush… I know… It’s not you. It’s the hysteria of the leaves that tremble each time you exhale. They fear your intensity like I dread the thrust of my emotions. Will I hold on to the structure? Will I spiral down into the abysm where sunshine is not welcome?

Stop dragging in the clouds. The world needs light. The thunder of wars roars across continents. Burning and butchering, greed rules the drama. Humanity is fogged — chewing its intellectual vomit — cut off from nature, from the heart. Rootless and ruthless.

What are you murmuring in the alleys of my mind? What secrets do you reveal while you whistle down the mountains or sigh from the core of the oceans? The echo of your voice snakes into a cryptic song. I’d dance to the tune. But would my steps be proper? Is there a right direction if all paths lead to one place? Its name is uttered in whispers as no breathing being knows its faceless darkness.

Wind, a herald of changes. Blow through my skin. Gently. Suck out all the goo of doubt toxifying my cells. It keeps my eyes shutters wide open in the crypt of the night. This cry for certainty lies and lynches. It leaves me empty.

Whirl my ego in a thousand circles of my private inferno till I’m free of all rotten beliefs. Unlock the doors of my soul to the unknown. Let me recognize the yearning for belonging in the furtive glances of other wanderers. Show me how to love with no limits and fly ahead as if there was no fear of falling. Or failing. As if this journey across my life would never end.

© Masha Zubareva

Big thanks to Thomas Gaudex and Scribe for this chance to share.

