Reflections of Love

John L Dahle
Published in
1 min readMar 15, 2020


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

This poem is not what you think it is.
I speak of finding bliss and loving you.
I speak of how I Love again,
But that’s not how it all began.

Lost and searching everywhere
For that one thing, that golden solitaire.
I thought I found it with you, and you, and you
But bound, I could not see my way through.

Forever lost, searching for a missing gem,
By and by, how do I fill that hole inside?
With you, and you, and you, I learned of Love,
I learned there is one thing nothing is above.

Easily lost and hard to find is Love.
The unknown ways and hidden parts
Come from whispers within the heart.
Love, a breath away within the light,
Found inside, burning bright.



John L Dahle

Former rocket scientist, composer, sailor, and tech consultant reflecting on love and life… living in Sausalito on San Francisco Bay.