
Words from a loved one

Jesse Wilson


Photo by Levi XU on Unsplash

Tonight is not a special night

It offers no solace

to words forcibly pushed by anguish

Purposely placed

The words come, they standstill

occupying what was once an empty space

filled with serenity

They taunt and flare with illegitimacy

But still, I stand

unprotected alone

exposed to the radiation of hurt

Still, they come

No barrier will prevent

the envelopes of pain delivered

Each recorded with an acute emotion

released to inflict maximum harm

A desperate reply summoned in an effort to defend

the last of a once built integrity

crumbing with a barrage of doubt

But still, the words come

marauders of this notable night

Ceasing with evidence of

their assured victory

they wander into the cold black night

Authors note — One of the worst kinds of pain can be from those we love. When the words come they come with a relentless ferocity that leaves your heart and soul with no doubt of their intent.

Thanks for reading!



Jesse Wilson

Writer | Poet - Inspiring people to find their purpose and live healthier, happier, more loving, and fulfilled lives.