
A poem

Mark A. Schrader
Published in
1 min readJun 11, 2021


Photo by Ashley Bean on Unsplash

I think my pen is leaking.
Typically, not a life changing thing.
But with the things I like to do

Like my drawing and writing,
Losing a pen can be a setback.
I don’t like setbacks.

I don’t know anyone that likes setbacks
Setbacks are not fun. We like to go forward
And, by definition, setbacks set us back

But then I realize, almost everyone like setbacks
Just like a great fall. Everyone loves to see
A great fall. Just not the personal kind.

A set back for me is horrible. A setback
For someone else is entertaining as hell.
Gives us something to think about and talk about.

We feel better about ourselves when other people
Have setbacks. It elevates our own state
Somehow to see others go down.

Setbacks are fun to some. We like to see people
Go backwards in their progress.
I know many people that like setbacks though I am not one.



Mark A. Schrader
Writer for

a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, ABFP SM and Retirement Management Advisor® who believes most of life is lived and imagined outside the numbers.