
Shrapnel Serenade

What do we destroy with our want?

Aspen Blue
Published in
1 min readSep 25, 2020


Image by Pinocoa from Pixabay

Your hand-grenaded love songs
are sonnets spun from need
eviscerating shrapnel
leaving trailing notes to bleed

Arrows bowed outrageous
confounding ledgers deeply lined
striking targets tangentially
directed from behind

Passively aggressive
lurching metre of 5/4
intersects manic depression
stretched sharp across the floor

Prostrate to an opus
scrabbled flatly with a quill
across frozen seas of whale cry
codaed destinies fulfilled

Star-lit pizzicato
plucks out our toneless tune
radioed past infinity
an ashen clair de lune

© Aspen Blue 2020

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Aspen Blue
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Writer, poet, scientist, educator, humanist, autist; Published in: neuroclastic.com | follow @AspienBlue