Skin Deep

Ash Sturg
Published in
1 min readApr 20, 2020


Photo by Dean Raphael

Celtic legend, woven kelp
salty depths and a selkie song.

A woman lost
in an unknown world
herself, yet not
her soul did not belong.

Seen as beautiful from without
a fish out of water within


More than that though-
deeper, so much deeper
her silken skin


her power to move through
the waves unbridled
joy incandescent


who she was, interlaced
myth, truth, and legend, her
vibrant depths and dark brilliance


Promises broken, trust betrayed
trust in others, in self. Salted
burns and scalded wounds-

wounds that not only sear
but feel foreign within a
terrifyingly unfamiliar body.

She finds her skin dried
a husk of herself




Ash Sturg

Boston raised mountain dweller ▲ My writing studio is often a playground bench ▲