Solitary Musings

Poems in praise of solitude.

Sofia Isabel Kavlin


Credit to the author.

One. Centralized Solitude

Remove me from the city lights;
That fend off sleep so I can finally,
Count my heartbeats,
Count the people who have,
Come and touched me,
And left with me (not voids),
But lessons.

I’m placing all my solitary musings,
In a small home,
Whose single light flickers,
A few miles off a downtrodden road,
And where the sun shines,
Over my bed at exactly 3:00 pm.

I have no desire to reduce time by half,
Or optimize my experience of it.
I revel in the lingering —
Cherish boredom like I cherish great sex;
The drying and the folding,
The time spent waiting for the well,
To gather water from multiple rains.

Poetry comes from an instant’s freezing,
Where I am my own keeper —
Standing vigilant over my sweet rest,
Holding embers where my heart,
Pulses a deep red,
At its own leisurely pace.



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