Spirals and Star Rides

Trading Sleep for Divinity

Lee Ameka


Photo by Fran on Unsplash

Sometimes I drop in a spiral
One late night follows another
Trying to make time for things not done
Too tired to know they don't matter

Sleep is what matters,
repeat, affirm— ‘rest is not a luxury’
But some nights…
Not even the not-dones can hold me

Those nights,
I trade all to ride the stars
in my chariot winged by mythical beasts
emblazoned with glyphs only Gods can see

I am the fierce of Sekhmat
I am the arms of Kali
I am Diana hunting a line
of a poem, I left in past lives to find

Inspired by Thomas Gaudex’s piece, wonderfully describing the ‘highs’ of writing:

And, I think maybe, also influenced by Marijke McCandless’s poem (because I read it recently, and its title stayed with me):



Lee Ameka
Writer for

I make things. I’m interested in how we use storytelling.