
Take Heart Friend for Unto Us a White Buffalo Is Born

A prose poem

Andy Lammers
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2024


When my dad was a little boy in a small Ohio town, he and his posse of little white boys in their red cowboy hats saw a white buffalo

on a black and white television. In a 1955 episode of The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin titled “The White Buffalo” there’s a song called “The White Buffalo

sung by a white cavalry officer. His song tells of a hero’s quest for the mythical beast who abides in a secret valley

only the pure of heart may enter. On the television, the white officer sang of this Indian legend to a wide-eyed little white boy called Rusty as gray

Native American braves nodded along and, in the living room of an aging Ohio farm house, blue-eyed little boys watched in rapt wonder. As

the credits rolled, off went the wide-eyed posse into the wild — down the railroad tracks at the edge of town — armed BB guns and their white

imaginations. But squealing pigs (not of Circe’s doing) thwarted their quest when an angry farmer discovered the boys

pelting his swine with BBs. He disarmed the bandits and sent them home crying to their mommies, this posse



Andy Lammers
Writer for

sentimentalist, middle school teacher, aging athlete, friend of dogs