The Arrival of a New Family Member

Via an Argument over the Phone

Lee Ameka


Photo by Segun Osunyomi on Unsplash

My Brother's Girlfriend
On-again, off-again, who could ever say?
Were they ever going to — we just stopped asking
Then, this year we heard; she was coming to Christmas
Mentioned off-handedly, but we, all of us knew
That this, this was going to be something new.

My part of an argument (and no, I'm not proud of this)
Hey bro, I’m about to walk into the station…
I’m booking our seats — Wait, why aren’t you awake?
You’re picking us up — The little one and I; Who else, you twit?
What, don’t tell me you haven’t got a child’s seat yet?
— Ok, I’m hanging up now, this is — ; this is nothing new.

Something New
I fumed at the station, I declined his calls
I built up a rage then burnt out again, then in came a text:
‘Sweetest, esteemed, dear, sister of mine’ (or sort-of those words)
‘Do answer the next call — for it will be, my own lady-love’
Oh, ok this — this was definitely new.



Lee Ameka
Writer for

I make things. I’m interested in how we use storytelling.