The Embrace of Dawn — Day 1

Today, the first Scribe-related poetry book is born!

Thomas Gaudex


Photo by Erik Karits on Unsplash

Dear Reader,

Today is an important day in the life of our beloved publication, as the first Scribe-related poetry book has just been born! The Embrace of Dawn weighs about 300 grams and is doing wonderfully! It seems to be waiting for only one thing, for you to hold it and look at it with love!

If you knew the state of euphoria I am in, you wouldn’t believe your ears! After months and months of reflexion, work, stress, pleasure, and so many emotions felt and shared, this very important project for me finally sees the light of day. All this is thanks to the brilliant writers who every day share with us their wonderful poems and stories of a rare quality, and also to the readers who keep the publication’s heart beating. Without forgetting of course, all the precious donors who give strength and love to Scribe every day.

For the rest of my life, I will be grateful to everyone who is making it possible for me to publish this book today and live a dream. Now, Scribe is not only (and the use of the term here is not pejorative, you got it) a wonderful publication on Medium, it is also a book that will travel around the world and meet readers who are not used to read on the Internet.



Thomas Gaudex

Writer | Poet | Editor of Scribe | Literature and Nature help me breathe |