The Fountain of Life

When we don’t fight it, the fountain never stops flowing

Vincent Van Patten
Published in
3 min readMay 17, 2020


Photo by Sam Wermut on Unsplash

It’s five in the morning; I live for this time of day. Outside it’s dark and cool, unsullied by the rays of the sun. I listen to the sound of the birds. They speak with the voice of the earth.

I listen and I write with no rigidity or hesitation.

The page of my notebook is a canvas, mercurial in its ability to adapt and become anything I imagine. The only boundaries are the depths of my mind. A new day approaches — a page in the book of our lives to explore.

I’m inspired; I can do no harm.

Our everyday life is a constant cycle of energy. Inspiration is attainable at any moment our hearts are open.

The philosopher and Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius didn’t write his Meditations, expecting them to be published.

He wrote — every day — to better understand the depths of his spirit.

“Life is a fountain that flows from within ourselves,” he writes.

“If we want it to continue to flow and don’t fight it, it will.”

That cycle ceases when we’re living in fear or worries, when we’re living for others, when we know we…



Vincent Van Patten

Exploring what lights my soul on fire while living in Japan. Host of The Dare to Dream Podcast