Reflections in Nature

The Inevitability of Change

A Free Verse Poem | The Transient Beauty of the Seasons

Sam Aureli
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2024


Vibrant magnolia blooms with shades of whites and pinks.
Magnolia Blossoms, Photo by Author

Spring unfurls its wings.

The world awakens with vibrant
blooms and melodies of birdsong.

Gentle breezes carry
the scent of blossoms, as life
bursts forth in a kaleidoscope of color.

The days grow longer,
filled with warmth and the promise
of new beginnings. Yet, my mind
wanders to the morrow.

As swiftly as it arrives,
spring will yield to summer,
a crescendo of heat and vitality.
Autumn will follow in its wake, painting
the world in hues of amber and gold.

Even yet, winter’s chill awaits,
a stark reminder of life’s fragile nature,
and the inevitability of change. Cherish the beauty
of this season, embrace its transient glory, for it’s
a reminder of life’s preciousness, and the need
to seize each moment before it slips away.

