The Lost Moment

And all the endless silence in our heart

Paul Mulliner


Photo by Marc Schulte on Unsplash

There’s no holding on
to our experience of life
with all its change
and sometimes exquisite perfection,
it always slips and slides
and drifts away
as though love
and moments of experience
were like sunlight dancing
on an ocean of eternal silence
woven through our heart,
a silent music we can sometimes
hear so deeply
we become the music
while the music plays,
a conscious silence everywhere
dissolving us all through itself,
bringing insight
as though the universe were knowing
what it is to live our human life,
while it weaves a flower of light
inside our heart.

When we forget
to listen to the silence
and live only in the shallows of our self,
we lose touch
with the universal
always there inside us,
always trying to bring us guidance,
bring us moments
touched by meaning,
as though an eternal silence
touching all the stars
wove our choices
into threads of circumstance
to help us know the gentle beauty
of its hidden universal soul.

When we listen to our heart
and choose to hear
the wisdom of our intuition,
we light a flame across the universe
that touches every star,
and helps us know
we’re children of a conscious universe,
the eternal nourishing our heart
with silent whispers of the dream it has,
the dream that we might find
the knowing that has no end
and no beginning,
as all our experiences
are woven through the stars,
lost and gone forever
as though they never were.



Paul Mulliner

Writer and Designer based in London. Writing about intuition, consciousness ....