The Miseducation Of A Black American Boy

Justin Patton
Published in
6 min readNov 13, 2018


Question everything.

I never questioned the information because I didn’t know that I had to.

The fact that I could be taught something that was wrong was not even a thought in my mind. I figured if it was in a history book it must be true. As a kid, never was I given the impression that everything needed to be questioned.


As a black boy, I knew my history started with slavery. Then after Abraham Lincoln set us free, it was civil rights. I took pride in my history because I always felt that my people were fighters. We were always the underdogs and had to fight for everything we wanted and deserved.

On the other hand, was my school force feeding me slavery like that was all black people are known for? Whether slavery or civil rights, do we always have to be looked down upon?

Let’s talk slavery in the context of how discrimination based on race laid the foundation for many under-served black and brown communities today. The Civil Rights Act was just signed 54 years ago. Our Society is not so far removed from that type of prejudice.

From my history, Africa was a big, poor country. It’s where most other black people resided and where I came from, but it’s full of…



Justin Patton

Spoken word artist and writer. Living my life and writing about it along the way, it just might inspire somebody. IG: @iamjustinpatton