The Moment

It’s not always one you can pinpoint, but it will change your life

dr. d. e. fulford
Published in
1 min readFeb 22, 2020


Photo by John Baker on Unsplash

Death, in ways, is a kindness — there is always a given
stated moment to mourn when soul, to our knowing,
abandons body’s mortal casing systems slow lights
shut down forever darkened a transition a loss a shift.

There are other occasions less gentle more permanent than
seeing finality of death these times are marred with the
dearth of occasion: when did it happen? why are we here?
what lead to this? how can we possibly go on living, knowing,

after the moment, nothing is the same,
and that’s just the way things now are.


©DEF, 2020

D. E. Fulford is a full-time university writing instructor and part-time educational editor. Her Medium writing focuses (mostly) on love, overcoming adversity, pain, and giving anti-advice about writing. She is the editor of Get Inside, a publication seeking new writers presenting a first person perspective on, well, most anything. If you’d like to read more, please visit and follow her blog. Thank you for reading!



dr. d. e. fulford
Writer for

Instructor, director of education, researcher, and author of poetry collection— southern atheist: oh, honey — from Cathexis Northwest Press