The Path of Love

Can a 7-day Retreat Really Change Your Life?

Be Linda


As a young girl, I was infinitely creative, sweetly mischievous and alive through and through. Over the years of growing into a woman, I felt more and more overwhelmed with the road that life took me on. What started at the beginning of puberty was an innate fight with existence.

I stopped trusting myself, god, and other people. I built the habit of victimizing myself, feeling like everybody was able to deal with the harshness that the human experience entailed, besides me. I blamed my family’s trauma, my past, my hormones and all the people who had done me wrong.

For years, misery’s sweet lullaby kept me mesmerized.

I was ashamed for struggling. I was ashamed for not being able to laugh and love from the bottom of my heart. Still, I was too proud and too gutless to show up as my whole self. I denied my responsibility and isolated.

With every day, I hated myself more… because the person I pretended to be when other people were watching wasn’t me at all!

It was only a fracture, only a tiny part.

“It seemed to me like we were all completely naked. Each pair of eyes that I looked into reflected myself. And I realized that




Published in Scribe

Stories and poems that matter. Emotion first and foremost.

Be Linda
Be Linda

Written by Be Linda

About our marvelously mysterious human experience….

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