The Trophies

They just look different now

Terrence Litwiller
Published in
Jul 27, 2021


Photo by Kaleb Kendall on Unsplash

While mowing today I noticed the grass under the middle swing is worn and gone. ..

It struck my heart that this is a type of “trophy”.

When we put in this swingset we did a good thing — acknowledged by the hours of play and validated by the small patch of dirt.

When we were young we won shiny trophies for sports or at work — now in our fifties, those things have sort of faded away.

But as grandparents, our rewards are there if we just see them —

The trophies are still there, they just look different now…



Terrence Litwiller
Writer for

new writer… old soul… memoirs and reflections from the journey to find my true heart and purpose and to live a life of significance