The Ways I Shrink

Poems on masculinity.

Joseph Coco


Photo by Andres Jasso on Unsplash

Old plastic chairs,
Hold little heat,
Who’s behind the door,
For me to meet?

In seventh grade,
No friends around,
A horrid choice,
To be class clown,

See brown skin,
Confers a loss,
Of relatable thoughts,
Common sense I tossed,

Into the window,
Of Mrs. Clay
I brought trouble,
On me today,

In 99',
The world felt slow,
Yet for us all,
We couldn’t know,

That future times,
Favor the bold,
Hope to realize,
Before I’m too old.



Joseph Coco
Writer for

Big haired #Leo who writes about existing as a Queer POC in America. Louisiana Creole. New Orleans. I’m the dramatic southern belle your parents love!