This Impossible Society

Free Verse poetry of our times

Samantha Lazar
Published in
Jan 15, 2021


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

this morning
my child questions
the words in his first
dystopian novel
disbelief, that’s not
possible for society

he wants to talk
paragraph after
my sweet pea,
we are living it

when I was nine,
we left the original
homestead —
trading a birch tree,
a gravel driveway,
mother nature’s bed
for an urban heat

if there was a book
in my new school’s
library about a masked
life, children connecting
only by screens for a
deadly virus that could
leave them orphaned
and lunacy desperately
trying to keep power,
I would have reached
for my mom’s hand
to talk paragraph
after paragraph
about this impossible

Samantha Lazar 2021



Samantha Lazar

Poetry, fiction, and essays in celebration of being a lover of life.