Those Quiet Times

When I Think Of You

Q. Imagine


Photo by Jess moe on Unsplash

It’s those quiet times that kill me, those moments when I see your face.
Those moments I feel the love we shared, can never lose it’s place.
Since you’re the thought I wander to,
no matter what I do.
My body and spirit could be with her, but my heart will stay with you.
It’s those quiet times when I feel my heart ache for our love,
a love that soared so high above with wings of a dove.
That captured my soul,
my life,
and even made my heart soar.
It breaks my heart, time and time again, to remember we are no more.

It’s those quiet times I reminisce on the time that we had,
the spectacular and the painful, the good and the bad.
It’s what we shared and the moments felt that molded me by hand.
It’s our crazy, zany love that only me and you could understand.

Though I fade through your memory as quickly as time flies,
Just know the remnants of you will stain my writing and my eyes.
It’s hidden between the lines, this hold you have over me.
And it saddens me that I may express this love silently.

It’s hard for me to explain the reasoning behind this and why,
To know you were the one person that saw me, through every lie.
My body may be with another, and they may appear in rhymes.
At least in my mind, we will always share those quiet times.

© 2023 Q. Imagine. All rights reserved.



Q. Imagine
Writer for

Author of Eeala and The Water Dragons and The Exhale Chronicles. Screenwriter. Poet. Lover. Dreamer.