True Love

A Poem — True love is a pure feeling

K A Simran
Published in
1 min readDec 11, 2019


They say love is blind
I say that is the reason that
True love is always kind

It sees no difference
No class, no religion
True love makes hearts and souls entwined

It is always a giver
One can give as much as they want
True love is not confined

It is pure and innocent
True love is played by heart
And not by mind

True love is unconditional
There are no rules to follow
No one is bind

Blessed are those who are in love
Because true love is like a treasure
Which is rare to find
They say love is blind
I say that is the reason that
True love is always kind

©️ K A Simran 2019. All Rights Reserved.

Author of the book The Words available on Amazon.

