
Visions of the Sea

Anna Krasko
Published in
Aug 1, 2023


Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

I have dreamt that I was a river,
a stream, free, unhalting, swift,
flowing from out the inner place
to the outer space, touching all directions,

Touching sunlit brown stones on the bank,
and the maze of roots of mighty tree folks,
Tickling round pebbles, huge wet rocks and
the feet of the water striders,
Nourishing bright meadow flowers and whispering reeds,
mysteriously swaying weeds harbouring silvery fishes,
and scores upon scores of other lives,

Loving the star light and the silence
atop the distant mountain peaks,
the place where it was-is young and crystal,
Dreaming, envisioning the Sea …

Anna Krasko 2023

Grateful for this shared moment :)



Anna Krasko

An Earth Ambassador, a "child who survived", the one who talks to trees, cats and other Omniverses, a bridge-builder and a host of brongenoten.nl