We’re Living It

Scribe: What happened in March

Thomas Gaudex


Dear readers,

I’m getting a little ahead of the end of the month by writing you this monthly letter that you are now used to. I would like to thank you warmly for your loyalty after all these years! Scribe breathes day after day and it’s thanks to all of you, readers and writers.

I also wink at those who are very active on Twitter and don’t miss an opportunity to mention me and the publication when they share their stories with their community. Lisa Alletson, Shannon Mastromonico, Austin Briggman, and Christie Alex Costello, MBA, I’m thinking of you most of all. Thank you again for your unfailing support!

Of course, it was difficult for me to write this letter without mentioning the Covid-19 pandemic that has been spreading around the world for several months. I have already written about it several times in previous weekly letters (they are all here if you want to read them again) and I hope you’re well and that you’re taking care of yourself and your loved ones as best you can.

I have noticed in the last few weeks that many of you have been writing your thoughts about the pandemic, whether in the form of poems or non-fiction. It’s a change from everything you hear on TV and on Twitter, which only increases our stress and anxieties. Besides, I have decided not to…



Thomas Gaudex

Writer | Poet | Editor of Scribe | Literature and Nature help me breathe | thomasgaudex.co