Where All Is Quiet and Still

John L Dahle
Published in
1 min readJun 3, 2020


Photo by veeterzy on Unsplash

Silence in the air, quiet and still
Rumbles beneath footsteps,
Expression of her will.
Heartbeat gently pulsates
And fills the air,
Ever-changing, balanced,
Nurturing as a mother’s care.

Symbiotic tie Soul to Soul,
The bond cannot break
While the earth is awake,
And our imagination
Creates a common dream
With apparent separation,
But nothing is what it seems.

The hidden beauty,
The Grace in the space
Between each little thought
Is peace that chaos has brought,
Hidden by senses like shifting sands
Between the ocean and land.
It is there to catch when you can.

Trees grasp for the sun.
Never-ending, ever bending.
Roots search for life,
Life searches for its roots
With the power of Will
In the silence of the shadows,
Where all is quiet and still.



John L Dahle

Former rocket scientist, composer, sailor, and tech consultant reflecting on love and life… living in Sausalito on San Francisco Bay.