Who Are We in Atomistic Verses of Time?

An existential poem about discovering the fleeting self

Bradley J Nordell
Published in
4 min readMar 3, 2024


Photograph by Bradley J Nordell

Who are you, my friend?
What is your purpose in this life?
Have you figured it out
or are you as lost as me?

Have you found your meaning yet,
or are you still searching inside the casket,
to understand why she died.
Still rummaging through the trash
of nonsensical moments
as to why you tore to pieces
those family pictures
in hopes of erasing what he did that night,
as you lay in bed,
praying to a collapsing stars.

Have you found those who love you?
Those who rolled down hills,
howling like wolves to the silver moon,
as the cops chased us through the park,
cackling like ravens the whole time.

Who do you love, my friend?
I hope there are many, but not too many
That you have forgotten the meaning of the word
Like so many of those,
I have met in my wanderings
in my time,
underneath the bridges
of faces…



Bradley J Nordell

Author, poet, quantum physicist, photographer, explorer of the mind and imaginary worlds. New book "The Second Sky" is available now!