Why Creative People Need to Take Imagination Breaks

Think of it as permission to process and synthesize your imagination, in a cozy place, where normal rules aren’t the rule.

Carolyn Riker


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

I must confess, there are sweet moments when my to-do list is a happy little dizzy fruit fly, with checkmarks and accomplishments.

Although, too many times, my to-do list is rather menacing. Especially when it grows super overwhelming, and then it turns into a bully telling me I should do more and, of course, strive harder to succeed.

Push. Push. Push. Nag. Nag. Nag.

As hard as I try to whittle down my to-do list, lately, it creeps up. I’m surprised at how it continues to grow like a bubbly blue Morning Glory. Which we know, despite its beauty, can suffocate whatever is on its path.

That’s when I know I must drift off, climb out a window while using the Morning Glory vine as a rope. And lower me to an imaginary path.

There, far away from the busyness of overdoing and overachieving, I gradually release the cement encasing my tucked-in and often too polite wings. The ah-ha’s started to percolate.

In this enchanted spot, I start to change. It’s a soulful place where one is guided through the reflections of…



Carolyn Riker

Carolyn's latest book, The Colors I Hear, is now available!