Why I Never Deleted My Wedding Photos From Social Media After the Divorce

A heartfelt account

Chelsea London


The Museum of Us

“I wish we could walk out and leave all our belongings in the apartment as they are now, like a museum of us”, he said. Our marriage had ended, but we hadn’t moved out yet. He continued, “We could visit perhaps, but it wouldn’t be necessary. It would just be comforting to know that somewhere in the world, there is a piece of our life frozen in time, continuing to survive.” Breath escaped me. It was one of the most beautiful concepts I had ever heard.

My now ex-husband always had a knack for gorgeous imagery. After we split up, we saw each other once a month or so for dinner to check up on each other, but this ended seven months later when I had to the leave the UK due to immigration issues. He was glad to see me go. The divorce was my decision, and as much as he cared about me, he was finding it difficult to move on while we lived in the same city. Luckily for him, I’m American and was being forced to not only move out of the city but the country.

The last time we saw each other before I moved was on my 26th birthday for a cup of tea. We held hands as we cried over the words we exchanged, congratulating each other on braving the wilderness that is divorce; showing our thankfulness to…



Chelsea London
Writer for

Expansiveness enthusiast who left the music industry to live a monastic-inspired life in the city. Oklahoma-raised Londoner. Ex-vangelical. Embodiment Lover.🪐