Zen of Jazz and the Rhythms of Life

The poem about the beauty of Jazz

Bradley J Nordell
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2020


Photo by Konstantin Aal on Unsplash

As ocherous stars rise
I listen to jazz melodies
resounding in the tunes of life
History’s fleeting scales remain
as Coltrane fills my morning train
A Kind of Blue spirit glows azure light,
in Davis’s solemn coated twilights.

My typewriter moans of Zen kōans
capturing worlds in Bebop flows
As Monk burrows into my soul
Candles lit, ideas mindfully ring
Aflame by Ellington’s
piano keys dance swing
with my memories
of you, at last, trombone spring.

And in those blue district streets
Louie’s trumpet songs wail free
As Ella tells her tales of sorrow and love
Or injustice and graves filled
Of Americans broken streets
Of gunshots and corrupt society.

And as I see through hazy windows
I spin upon Gillespiean vessels
As samsara cornets roar,
Parker’s final soliloquy
In a Silent Way, I found the truth



Bradley J Nordell

Author, poet, quantum physicist, photographer, explorer of the mind and imaginary worlds. New book "The Second Sky" is available now!