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Stories and poems that matter. Emotion first and foremost.
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Winter’s End
Winter’s End
Connie Song
Feb 6
Girl, You’ll Be a Woman Soon?
Catrina Prager
Feb 6
In Those Unfinished Lines, We Remain One
In Those Unfinished Lines, We Remain One
An emotional love poem
K A Simran
Feb 5
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France Doesn’t Like Dreamers
France Doesn’t Like Dreamers
Greetings from Jura!
Thomas Gaudex
Feb 2
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Skimming Over Prairie Grass
Skimming Over Prairie Grass
What calls to you when the way is unclear?
Sam Aureli
Jan 24
Why Write a Poem?
Why Write a Poem?
Editor Louise Foerster asked a question. Here’s my answer — ultimately, poetry is salvation and service
Jenine Bsharah Baines
Jan 24
The Fireside Interviews Series — Scribe writers like you’ve never read them before!
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Astral Flight
Astral Flight
The world as we always dreamed
Ken Martin
Feb 4
Between Stars and Silence
Between Stars and Silence
Standing in the Middle of a Mystery
Sam Aureli
Feb 4
Plucking Death Poems From the Aether
Plucking Death Poems From the Aether
Sometimes, there’s no note, yet everyone leaves behind a death poem
Bradley J Nordell
Feb 2
Walking to Hammarby
Walking to Hammarby
A poem for Carl Linnaeus
Natalie Wilkinson
Jan 31
Heiliger Dankgesang
Heiliger Dankgesang
In the Lydian Mode
Ingrid Vergara
Jan 31
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