
~The story of the trafficked

The Scriber’s Nook


Photo by Max Muselmann on Unsplash

Hundreds of thousands of drops,
Thick, pungent and red,
Sprayed and cast like measly film props,
Because they emerge from the less-dead.

They were not foolish,
They were not greedy,
Some, naive, maybe,
But were simply hungry, thirsty, needy.

Now they huddle in forests,
Cradle in buses,
Flinch in safe-houses — 
No, warehouses.

They wait as commodities to be sold,
Foodstuff to be consumed,
Services to be utilised,
They wait utterly dehumanised.

Theirs is the stifled tear,
The muffled cry,
The disregarded groan,
Yelling quietly through the wisps of desert sounds,

“We are the people you refuse to see, yet greedily use.”

Their poverty urged necessity,
Their necessity pushed them to the fringes of society,
Society cast them into its shadows,
Remembering their usefulness only when darkness looms.

The hopelessness of their reality fueled dreams and fantasies,
That surely somewhere prosperity lies,
Encapsulated under foreign soil,
That gleams beneath famed foreign skies.

And so the idea is planted,
Their paradise gains attributes of the heavens,
Spoken with majesty by kings,
And with awe by the paupers:


Each syllable lingers longer in the air,
As their tongue relishes the honour
To even speak its name,
To utter the title of affluence.

Soon they see these heavens will remain in their mind,
As their bodies, to devils are signed.



I just finished watching Òlòtūré (the series and the movie), and the things in it really stuck with me. To be fair that may not be saying much because I’m a very obsessive person — if I read something, it’s on my mind for like two weeks, till I get overtaken by something else to obsess over. Anyway, as I ended the last episode of the series (btw please idk what they’re doing but they should better hurry and extend that thing because I refuse to understand such an ending), I felt like I should write something on this, especially since I’d felt so dried of writing inspo after my exams.

Yeah, enjoy, be educated, and bye.

(Also I wrote this poem and this sidenote a while ago, and if you didn’t know, Òlòtūré is a movie that discusses human trafficking, specifically in the case of prostitutes)

~ Daphney (don’t worry I’m not an impostor, that’s my first name :))

