Carmine Medusa Vol. 3

Trouble in Paradise

The Scriber’s Nook


Original image from Pinterest but original Artwork By Isisah Rodney

The journey to the ancient city of Dwarka was long and arduous, spanning several days of harsh traversal. However, when the guardians arrived, they were greeted by a city that was nothing short of breathtaking. The city was a utopia of opulence, serenity, and beauty, where the sounds of birds and bees swelled in lush pleasure gardens and parks enriching the spirits of all those who visited, creating a symphony that enriched the spirit.

Photo by Allec Gomes on Unsplash

The city’s nine-hundred royal palaces all inhabited by Dwarkan royalty and a mixed medley of VSC, SL, and specially selected British personnel were crafted from the finest silver and crystal, bedecked with emeralds that sparkled in the light of the sun. The gardens surrounding the palaces were a riot of colors, bursting with blooming lotuses, swans, and cranes. Everywhere they looked, they saw the most beautiful sights they had ever laid eyes on.

Original image from Pinterest ( Ancient city of Dwarka )

Their new home ended up being within one of the royal palaces, where they were greeted with plush surroundings, lavish decor, and golden bejeweled furniture that was fit for lord Krishna himself. A young British governess by the name of Constance Opris who was ready and waiting to tend to Feza’s every need, and a stockpile of modern supplies were at their disposal for the first year. In the whirlwind of the ensuing weeks, Rishabhan and Giada had their hands full with the newest addition to their patchwork unit.

Example of the uniform Worn by Constance Opris, she is a Norland Nanny ( original image from Pinterest )

They quickly established a well-planned routine for the young hatchling, which included language classes in Hindi, English, and Italian in the mornings, followed by a much-needed nap for Feza which left Giada and Rishabhan time for relaxation and rejuvenation. when Feza awoke, it was time for lessons on the galactic, Nestworld, and legion history, as well as self-maintenance and emotional governance.

Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

Come the afternoons, the trio would venture out to explore the lush parks and gardens of Dwarka, taking in the sights, sounds, and splendorosity of nature. As the sun set the final round of lessons would begin, seeing them delve into the fascinating worlds of art, literature, self-expression, foraging, wilderness survival, and herbalism.

Photo by Denny Ryanto on Unsplash

But the most magical part of the day was reserved for bedtime, when Rishabhan would serenade Feza and Giada with his soulful melodies on the Bamboo flute, lulling them into a peaceful slumber. Overall those early days were a busy, yet rewarding time for the unit, as they nurtured Feza’s rapidly developing mind and body.

As the years flew by Feza would see astonishing growth, standing 5’9” by the age of four. In addition to height, they also began manifesting specific gifts, amongst them, chameleon camouflage, night vision, and the ability to breathe fairy dust as a dragon would fire. Also, superior reflexes, supreme flexibility, the strength of eighty men, and petrification.

Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash

The unit kept regular correspondence with team Chariot and the Legion Mothership and while there was great satisfaction with Feza’s development they felt more had to be done outside of the educational realm.

Because of this perceived need for a level up Rishabhan and Giada were instructed to provide Feza with baseline physical training, swordsmanship, and horsemanship. Feza’s mentors, Rishabhan and Giada were in complete agreement with their superiors and took on the challenging task of preparing her for the future that’d come.

Photo by ARTUR KERKHOFF on Unsplash

They’d work together to formulate an initial training schematic that would provide a proficient baseline for physical training as well as a skill set for swordsmanship and horsemanship. While Rishabhan was an expert in such areas, Granny Giada had very limited knowledge but was determined to help cultivate Feza’s warrior spirit, imagination, ambition, machismo, and chivalry instead.

Photo by Kevin Olson on Unsplash

Giada’s methods were eccentric, including morning movie marathons, where Feza was treated to an impressive but often assorted lineup of classic films. These included action-packed hits like Bloodsport, Taxi Driver, Buffalo 66, The Kickboxer trilogy, Terminator, John Wick, and Rambo, as well as epic tales like Braveheart, Gladiator, Master and Commander, and Spartacus. The line-up also featured critically acclaimed movies like The Godfather, The Departed, and Raging Bull, and at times even some lesser-known gems like Pleasantville and Lionheart.

Photo by TopSphere Media on Unsplash

Despite her lack of expertise Giada’s unconventional approach proved to be effective in teaching Feza important lessons on what it meant to be a warrior. Feza learned honor, courage, resilience, free-thinking, and the importance of pushing oneself beyond perceived limits. All the while As young Feza savored every bite of her butter chicken and Medu Vada, they were positively spellbound by the captivating stories unfolding on Giada’s C. L. I. (also known as Chain Link Interface). Without really realizing it, Feza soaked up the valuable lessons, ideals, and confident attitudes portrayed in those films, much to Giada’s delight.

Photo by David Matos on Unsplash

Rishabha, on the other hand, was busy imparting his knowledge skills to their ward, teaching them to ride horseback without stirrups or a saddle, horseback archery, fencing, Indian pole wrestling, spiked Gada swinging, Kushti wrestling, Burmese boxing, and also how to wield, repair, and maintain weapons such as the Iberian falcata, sword spear, revolvers, and the Winchester rifle.

Example of Indian Kushti Wrestling (original image from Pinterest)

By the age of eight Feza stood at a towering 6’6”. Feza developed clawed hands, Vampiric fangs, pyrokinesis, and what team chariot would call the ‘Regalis Sanctum’ which was a network of rose golden bones later found to be tougher than the finest Enochian steel and Dwarven Bronze. The Regalis Sanctum protected all vital organs and served as a form of internal armor.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Development of the Regalis Sanctum was quite a frightening time for granny Giada, Constance, and Rishabhan who’d witnessed Feza become plastered to her bed, scream out in agony, vomit continuously, and burn with hellacious fever.

{ The inspiration for Part 3 of Carmine Medusa came from watching a documentary on the famous Norland Nannies who are essentially the caretakers of the British Royals and Aristocracy. In addition, I binge-watched episodes of Downton Abbey and really ended up falling in love with the overall calmness of the show and its vintage My Fair Lady aesthetics. }



The Scriber’s Nook

writer & Editor of 11+ years and medium blogger. ( For World Build consultation, Editing services, or ghostwriting services visit