How to Redefine Your Digital Self: The Ultimate Guide to Elevating Your Self-Esteem with Social Media

Unveiling the Best Strategies to Turn Social Media into a Tool for Confidence and Connection

Jamel Hendley/Greenviool
The Scriber’s Nook
7 min readJan 24, 2024


Person seeing a confident, empowered reflection in phone screen, representing boosted self-esteem through social media.
This image captures the transformation in self-esteem through social media. It features a person looking at their phone screen, seeing a reflection that is more confident and empowered, symbolizing the positive change in self-perception achieved through social media interactions. Digitally created Adobe Photo Plus by Jamel Hendley

I remember the day I decided to take a leap of faith and share my photo on social media. As someone who’d always wrestled with self-esteem, the thought of putting my work out there for the world to see was daunting. Yet, what I discovered was nothing short of transformative. Each like, comment, and share wasn’t just a digital nod of approval; it was a building block in reconstructing my self-worth. My journey on platforms like Instagram became more than showcasing art; it became a path to rediscovering my value and voice.

In today’s digital era, you might have heard countless times about the dangers of social media – how it distorts reality, fuels comparison, and chips away at your mental well-being.

But what if I told you there’s another side to…



Jamel Hendley/Greenviool
The Scriber’s Nook

Hi all, I'm Jamel I write about all types of things from resilience to dogs. I write whatever comes to mind. Please follow me greenviool.medium.com/subscribe.