LibreOffice Conference Indonesia Day 1 ( Workshop )

Test Build , and Translation of LibreOffice

asem bused
3 min readMar 23, 2018


Since i did participated in the events. I wonder why not write an article about it. The event was great, and i am glad to be able to participate. The event start at 8 AM which somewhat feels early to me. The registration went well, and i met old friend here and there.

The workshop covers about how we could start our contribution to LibreOffice It was presented by Mr. Andika Triwidada, he is a coordinator of LibreOffice Indonesian translation (i did some spying on his linkedin, and discover that he do have a lot of experience in open source project).

The first session introduce us about the requirements to build LibreOffice, how to get LibreOffice source files including it’s component (submodule), and also how to build LibreOffice from source. It was surprising to discover that LibreOffice needs 40 gigs of storage space to build from source (inside vm), and then compiled into an application with only less than 2 gigs storage space. The workshop session was fun thanks to it’s presenter Mr. Andika which provide us with information that easy to understand, with some good joke, and his patience in guiding us from basics. In ± 3 hour we are able to start building LibreOffice from source on our own. Probably less since the build process takes a lot of time. In this session it also cover a bit of x which i’d like to cover in the next how to assemble desktop series. It mention about running x application from another machine (the application data is inside the other machine)

So after lunch break most of the build process are finished, with the result, most of our built result isn’t able to show menu bar. The second session started by Kukuh Syafaat as substitute of Mr. Andika. The second session was a blast, started by someone with lesser age difference but still having many experience in open source development. This session covers about contributing to LibreOffice translations, LibreOffice development branch (and cycle ?), and also troubleshoots our build result (which i couldn’t). It was a brief time, but before Mr. Andika returns we could grab the basic understanding about LibreOffice development branch, thanks to Kukuh syafaat clear explanation.

After his returns Mr. Andika continues the session covering the remaining points which is translation of LibreOffice especially in Indonesian. He informs about multiple way to translate (online ,offline, or through several application designed for such purpose), problem in translating ( shortcut conflict ), component or target information that needs translation, and translation priority. Unfortunately i was too focused on troubleshooting the menu bar problem and didn’t give much attention for it. The session ends with hope that every participant could contribute to LibreOffice Indonesian translation.

This article turns out to be a longer article than i thought. I’m sorry for every misspelled and weird words, especially in mentioning people ( I am not used to it) . Even though there is quite a lot of effort for me to attend LibreOffice id conference, i’d say it’s worth more (day 1 of 3).

If possible i would love to share the presentation link here (i’d like to ask some permission regarding that to the Mr. Andika Triwidada)

Update: i asked the committee about the presentation file it seems they’ll gonna upload the presentation on the website. I’ll update this article when they does.

Update : Part 2 is here

