Simplistic Fanatic GNU/Linux Distribution “Arch Linux”

asem bused
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2018


Keep it simple stupid (KISS), is a design principle which state that most system work best if they are kept simple rather than complicated (stolen words from wikipedia). This words is a good way to represent about stuff i’d like to tell you guys today. Yeah it’s about people favorite linux distribution that excel in it’s simplicity yet provide many possibilities for it’s usage Arch Linux. But honestly i just want to brag that i managed to run and work with this stupidly, yet awesome simplistic distribution. Without further ado let’s start bragging stuff up (please keep reading)

I started my journey to install arch linux a month ago, maybe a week after my story about WINE, which you can read about it HERE. Actually that is the reason why i was gone for weeks, in the first place. So i already know about arch year ago but maybe im too afraid yet still inexperienced linux user (till now still inexperienced) to try this simplistic fanatic linux distribution. in random occasion after im done with the first half of my manuscript i was thinking it would be cool if i could install arch linux on my machine (and yes i managed to do it). helped by arch wiki and friend who provide me information alongside with stable and fast internet connection i managed to install and configure my self a bare bone arch linux.

How To Install Arch Linux

So basically what you need is :

  1. USB Flash Drive
  2. Stable Internet Connection
  3. another device to browse the internet
  4. a comfortable place, peace of mind, and
  5. a warm drink to keep you relax

i wont give you detail information about how to install it there are many article in internet that gives you information about installing arch linux on your machine. But i’ll give you a link where i found most of the information i need below. (it some kind of special site to mention)

Arch Linux have one of the most complete yet good looking linux documentation which provide every information about everything you need to setup arch and maybe everything you need to run on it. I managed to install and configure everything i need in arch thanks to this awesome wiki.

I know there are people who don`t want to read all those long text. well i wont blame you, since Arch linux is not a distribution that designed to fulfill everyone needs. BUT if you want to use Arch Linux you MUST start to embrace all those text that provide you with information that more than enough to understand how you operate arch linux as an operating system of your choice. I’d also like to mention that Arch Linux isn’t user friendly distribution for most of the people especially people who just learned to use GNU/Linux. Arch Linux install with just bare bone linux kernel, gnu util and some arch predefined package manager pacman which results in Command Line Interface Only until you manage to install display server and desktop environment or window manager that you desire.

The next big challenge that you’ll met after installing arch is configuring your arch to become a preferable workspace for anyone that uses it. Configuration here includes display server (Xorg, Wayland), desktop environment, audio mixer (Pulse Audio, Etc), Network Manager, Desktop Environment (Gnome, Xfce, Lxde, etc)/ window manager. It’s not easy but it’s not that hard either using Arch Pacman to manage package that comes from official arch repository will get you up and running in no time if you don’t want to tinker more. if you dont know where to start or what to do, there always Arch Wiki that can help you with everything you need, and if that arent enough, ask the forum it’ll filled with user that eager to help you out IF you did already read the wiki.

in the end linux distribution choice is differ for every single people out there, but for me arch is a good distribution that helps me understand more about operating system and computer in general. Arch Linux is simple, light weight, extremely customize-able, and perfect for anyone who love to tinker with their computer. “ Arch Linux is hard” , yeah it’s true but after you getting the hang of it, everything wont be the same as before since you can have your very own customized linux where you manage everything that run in it. and no more confusion like “why it’s lagging” or some simple stuff like that (but mostly you might found “Why its not working”).

One Last thing i want to say, thanks to Arch Linux i learn a value of good documentation of every software that created wholeheartedly thinking about it’s user and developer. If you want to start learning Arch Linux it means, You Must Start to Learn how to Read and Search. especially in this awesome site

