Love at first sight…

Gurpreet Brar
Script Grandeur
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2015

It was complete silence and a long wait, long wait in a dark chamber, it was a lonely place, only thing I could hear was sound of something rushing through my body, was it my blood ? I don’t know, I had no idea who was me or what was me, I could not draw a line and carve out me from my surrounds, how could I say it was my blood.

Now that I have learned how to draw those lines, the lines to carve me from my surrounds, I can think of it being me, a proto me, a bunch of stuff waiting to become me.

I was waiting, waiting for something to happen and then the silence broke and you came rushing in. What a storm it was ? It caught me off guard, I coughed…. Where did I learn that ? and then you squealed, whirled , whoosh… whoosh… and before I could embrace you, you were gone.

It was our first encounter. It was short but you forgot something inside me, it was love at first sight, you became me and I became you. Next moment I was yearning for you, I cried but you ran away and then there was a miracle, you came rushing back in, perhaps to fetch what you left inside me, but I was over the moon, there was commotion in the room, I was alive, I was me, living me and no longer a mass of protoplasm, I was alive and we were in complete unison, you were running in and out and I was dancing to the rhythm of your moves.

I am not even sure how long ago was that but ever since we have been dancing together, your toing and froing, coming and going has kept me alive all along. Now it is a routine matter, I don’t even notice you being around anymore. But I am curious, curious to find out who you really are, where did you come from ? who brought you here ? what did you do to me ?

Unfortunately my understanding is limited, limited by what my eyes can see, my ears can hear so I have to rely on my imagination and imagination of others who often convince me with their stories as if they have seen you, touched you, hugged you. I have to believe them, sometimes they ask me to look through their eyes, eyes that they have built to look beyond what I can see, look at things that are far far away, things that are too tiny to see, but those artificial eyes have their own limits. Every year they come with bigger and better eyes, but you are still too elusive for those eyes. They tell me you been around for a long time, but my time is nothing compared to your time, I am not sure if we will ever understand each other, my time will be over soon, but you will be around, bothering someone else, for me you will always be a mystery, an unsolvable mystery, mystery that one day will become history, I hope.

Mystery beyond my limits, the limits of my biology, technology and ideology.

Originally published at on February 22, 2015.

