Exploring the Impact of AI Film: From Sora to Script TV

Script Network
Script Network
Published in
5 min readApr 5, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just a buzzword in the film industry; it’s a transformative force reshaping how movies are made, experienced, and distributed. One significant advancement in this realm is Sora, an AI-powered content platform that’s pushing the boundaries of creativity and technology. From generating scripts to analysing audience preferences, Sora represents a new era in filmmaking. Today we break down the impact of Sora, how it will impact the film industry, and why Script TV is perfectly positioned to develop a game changing environment for premium AI content.

Sora: Redefining Storytelling Through AI

Sora stands at the forefront of AI-driven filmmaking, leveraging machine learning algorithms to craft compelling narratives tailored to audience preferences. Unlike traditional directors, Sora isn’t bound by human limitations; it can process vast amounts of data to create stories that resonate with viewers on a profound level. This innovative approach challenges the notion of what it means to be a filmmaker and opens doors to previously unimaginable storytelling possibilities

The Impact of Sora on the Film Industry

The influence of Sora extends far beyond its ability to generate scripts. By automating certain aspects of the filmmaking process, Sora streamlines production timelines and reduces costs, making it an attractive option for studios and independent filmmakers alike. Furthermore, Sora’s data-driven approach to storytelling has the potential to revolutionize how films are marketed and distributed, catering to niche audiences with precision and efficiency.

Still Frames from Sora AI Video.

Script.TV: Democratising Content Distribution

While AI-driven content holds immense potential, the question remains: How will these films be distributed and monetized? Enter Script.TV, a decentralized platform built on blockchain technology, designed to democratize content governance and empower creators and audiences alike.

Script TV has already amassed hundreds of thousands of active users, with over 65M minutes watched across the platform and counting. However, at its core, Script.TV exists to make a systematic change in the streaming industry. First by giving a ‘free forever’ service of premium TV, then giving users the ability to earn through watching TV for the first time ever, and then a novel, decentralized content governance model, which allows users to participate in the decision-making process regarding which films (including AI films) which are aired on the platform. Through a voting mechanism powered by blockchain, users can nominate and vote for their favourite films, ensuring that content selection remains transparent and community-driven. This ensures fair distribution of content, alongside the ability for AI film, and thousands of premium shows and films to have a platform to distribute onto.

Decentralized Content Governance: Empowering the Community

Decentralized content governance lies at the heart of Script.TV’s mission, empowering users to take an active role in shaping the platform’s content offerings. By leveraging blockchain technology, Script.TV provides a transparent and immutable record of content decisions, fostering trust and accountability within the community.

Through the voting mechanism, very similar to protocol governance, users can nominate films / showsfor consideration and cast their votes to determine which content gets featured on the platform. This democratic approach ensures that the voices of both creators and audiences are heard, creating a symbiotic relationship between content producers and consumers. Once a piece of content is voted ‘for’ (to be aired on the network), the process will further enhance through machine learning and AI, to have ‘more of the same’ being selected on the network for future launches. Our ultimate goal is to make the network almost completely sufficiently controlled by those who matter most — the holders of SCPT.

Monetising AI Films: The Role of Tokenisation and Tier 1 advertising

In addition to democratising content governance, Script.TV utilizes tokenisation to facilitate transparent and efficient monetization of AI-generated content. Filmmakers can create AI generated films, and then (if selected), can have their film aired on Script TV to hundreds of thousands of users. This then allows the content to be part of the advertising revenue payout model, which the content owner gets a % paid out to them directly, in stablecoins or native tokens. This direct-to-consumer model eliminates the need for intermediaries, enabling creators to retain a larger share of their earnings and get content distributed within days potentially, compared to 6–12 months in web2. Below summarises our novel ad protocol which will be explained further soon.

Script TV Ad Protocol (further explained in other medium articles)

Moreover, tokenisation opens up new revenue streams for creators, such as royalties and licensing fees, further incentivising the production of high-quality AI films. By aligning the interests of creators and audiences, Script.TV fosters a vibrant ecosystem where innovation thrives, and content creators are fairly compensated for their work.

Embracing the Future of AI Film

The world is changing fast, and Script Network aims to be at the forefront of this change. As AI continues to revolutionize the film industry, platforms like Script.TV are leading the charge towards a more inclusive and equitable future. By harnessing the power of decentralized content governance and tokenization, Script.TV empowers creators to unleash their creativity while ensuring that audiences have a voice in the content they consume.

As we embark on this exciting journey into the realm of AI-driven filmmaking, let us embrace the possibilities that lie ahead and celebrate the marriage of technology and creativity. Together, we can shape a future where storytelling knows no bounds, and every voice has the opportunity to be heard.



Script Network
Script Network

Script Network is an open source web3 live tv platform, protocol, and storage network