Script Network announces Script Staking v1, incentivised staking for $SCPT and Glasspass holders — live soon.

Script Network
Script Network
Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2024

We’re excited to announce the launch of our v1 staking product, going live on Binance Smart Chain in the next few days of this article. This is a significant step towards mainnet, which will allow holders to stake on both chains, alongside earn rewards beyond token emissions. The launch took a little longer than expected, given we wanted to ensure interoperability between BSC and Script Blockchain would not be a future issue. This article explains the simple step by step process on how to stake your tokens, in preparation for the launch. Prior to our launch, we are announcing the simple step by step instructions in order to stake your tokens. This article is intentionally put out prior to release, so there is no confusion during, or after launch. Script Staking will go live within a few days from this article*

Step 1:
Head to the staking page and head to the top right of the page and click ‘Connect Wallet’.

Choose from your favourite wallet connect option (further wallet integrations options will be available soon)

Step 2:
Once you’ve connected your wallet, head to your chosen pool and click ‘Stake’

Please note: To allow v1 staking to be accessible by multiple holders, you will only be able to stake in ONE pool at a time. Please do not attempt to stake to more than one pool at once, doing so will have your staking updated to the most recent pool you selected.

Step 3:
You can now type in how many tokens you’d like to stake. Once you’ve done so, please confirm you’re happy with the locked period, and the reward %, and then click ‘Enable’.

Step 4:
Click ‘Deposit’ after Enable and then confirm.

Step 5:
You can now view your tokens staked in the pool. From here, you now have the following options.
‘Stake Reward’:
This automatically pops up your wallet to auto stake the tokens you have been rewarded with thus far. *Please note, by doing this, you restart the locked period again. This button will not work if there are no tokens to be claimed.
‘Stake’: Will lead you to the same process as above
‘Claim Rewards’: This will allow you to claim reward tokens earned thus far. This button will not work if there are no tokens to be claimed.
‘Unstake’: Will lead you to a pop up to begin the process of unstaking / withdrawing your tokens from the pool. (More on this below).

Please note: Once the capacity of the respective pool is filled, you are not able to stake in that pool at all.

Step 6:
If you click ‘Unstake’, the Withdraw tab will pop up with the following options. If the withdraw amount says ‘0 SCPT’, it means the period of staking has not ended yet. However, here you can also claim tokens, and stake rewards here too.

Thats all for now. v1 staking will be available to SCPT and Glasspass holders on BSC, up until migration / mainnet for Script Blockchain. Full details on cross chain staking and how that will look for holders will be explained soon.

Please note:

- Staking more than once, overrides the pool time you are staked for. (If i stake on March 22nd, but again as a ‘top up’ on March 25th, my staking period will be reset to begin on March 25th, not March 22nd)

- Staking is not available on mobile, you will need to use desktop to access it

- v2 incentivised staking will go live later in March with more pools, NFT Glasspass staking and API access.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to open a discord ticket. To end this article the same way its started for clarity — Script Staking will go live within a few days from this article and is NOT available until announced on our X, Discord and Telegram over the coming days. As with all product launches, all above builds (in terms of UI and features, are subject to change before or after launch)



Script Network
Script Network

Script Network is an open source web3 live tv platform, protocol, and storage network