Script Network launches v2 testnet with new features for it’s layer 1 protocol [Script blockchain]

Script Network
Script Network
Published in
6 min readJun 22, 2023

Script Network, being a layer one protocol, has been in testnet since March 2023. The initial testnet was to test out the first series of features including Script Wallet, Block explorer, transferring between wallets and of course, running Lightning and Edge Nodes. Overall, v1 testnet was a roaring success, with over 40,000 unique wallets made, and over 1,400,000 transactions since launch. We’re pleased to now migrate v1 testnet to v2, a faster, more efficient chain with a host of improved / new features.

So, what has changed?

Good question — here is some things that has been improved / changed….


We are pleased to improve the speed of the network and in turn, the speed of the front end too. The front end is now optimised for scale of onboarding millions of new wallets as we prepare for mainnet.

More Efficient

Features are now easier to access, from documentation of nodes to data being updated faster than ever.

Video Delivery Network

We have prepared for onboarding of not only fresh content, but live channels. This means from this month, Script Network will have live up to the minute live streaming channels. This was a large task for the team to build a scalable network to support live content, alongside a network that is sustainable. We’re now ready to upgrade.

Nodes — Edge and Lightning update

Up until now, users could run a lightning or edge node using test tokens. This saw more than 150 nodes being run on the network making it the second biggest video delivery network using blockchain technology based on the number of nodes. However, only lightning nodes were able to test in full. Now, Edge nodes will now begin to be able to earn tokens through new videos being transcoded and delivered within the network.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Those who ran a lightning or edge node in v1 testnet, will have to complete the process again (which will in turn generate a new summary string). Submitting an old summary from v1 testnet will lead to any action in v2 testnet to fail.

Nodes — Validator update

Validator nodes are now possible to run in v2 testnet. This gives a unique opportunity to a small portion of interested users to run a validator node during testnet. To qualify, users must hold other following roles on discord

  • v1 lightning node
  • v1 edge node
  • genesis bear owner

(To get any of the above roles, you must complete the respective Zealy task, available here:

You can then drop your wallet in the #validator-node-request channel. Only users with one of the above roles will be eligible. If eligible, your Script Wallet balance will be updated with enough tokens to run a validator node. Please note, validator nodes in v2 testnet are very limited and will be a FCFS basis.

Roles and Rewards

A whole host of roles and rewards will be made available. To start with, roles for v2 testnet will likely become available including rewards in the form of Zealy points, OATs and gated opportunities.

Developer tools

Developers can can deploy contracts on Script Blockchain, full information to do this is available on our whitepaper:

New to Script Blockchain Testnet? Follow the steps below to take part

— Create a wallet:
1. Head here:

2. You can now choose whether to unlock an existing Script Wallet, or to create a new one (yellow writing at the bottom).

3. Assuming you clicked ‘Create a Wallet’ you should see this.

This requires you to set a password, tick the disclaimer, and then download keystone (keystore will automatically download locally on your device).

4. You will then be presented with this page

Press continue and you will see your 12 word phrase and your private key. Keep these safe and do not share them with ANYONE under any circumstance. No member of Script Networks’ team will EVER ask you for this information.

5. All done! You now have a Script Wallet

Now simply choose your preferred login method and continue.

— Request funds from faucet (SPAY/SCPT)

Head to the ‘Recieve’ menu option, click it, and then click ‘Faucet’

After clicking Faucet you will shortly get test tokens delivered to your wallet. This may take up to 1 hour during busy times. If you’d like to run a lightning node, click the ‘Test tokens’ area and select ‘Lightning Node Tokens’, then click ‘Faucet’ at the bottom, you will then see the following.

You can only complete the above area if you have set up a lightning node after June 21st @ 17:00 UTC. Any lightning nodes created before this, will be invalid. If the summary and node address is correct, you will then receive testnet tokens to run a lightning node. Also to confirm, you do not need extra / any tokens to set up and run an edge node.

Confirmation on the use cases for both tokens (SPAY and SCPT)

SCPT is the governance token, and is the token required for staking. SPAY is the token for transactions and rewards. To request SCPT tokens, you need to put your wallet address (and nothing else), in the discord channel named #token-faucet

This will then be credited within 24 hours

— Stake tokens

You can only stake tokens if you are running a test edge, lightning or validator node.

Transfer tokens between wallets

  1. Simply head to ‘send’. Click the token you wish to send, the wallet for it to go to, and the amount and click send. You can send to a fellow friend who owns an Script Wallet, yourself (if you have created more than one), or, one of your EVM wallets (so, one that is on Metamask for example)

2. You will then be given an extra window to confirm the transaction

You’ll be asked to type in your wallet password again and click send

3. Congrats! You just made a transaction. You can check Metamask, or explorer to confirm your transaction also.

— Run a Lightning node
Please head here for full information:

— Run an Edge node
Please head here for full information:

If you’ve got to the end of this write up — You made it! Now you have all you need to take part in v2 testnet. As we always say, this is testnet (and beta on the platform) for a reason — there will likely be bugs, errors and potential issues that arise. We will do our best to continue to build and grow alongside you all. Thanks for your patience and support.

About Script Network

The Script Network is a video-based blockchain protocol focused on decentralized storage and 24/7 live content. Script Networks products include Script TV, GameFi NFTs, and multiple other dApps currently being built on-chain.

Script TV, (one of the core services of the Script Network protocol), is a free-to-air live television platform. It features countless channels and offers diverse movies, sports, documentaries, and news content, all of which earn rewards whilst watching content. Script Networks watch to earn elements allow users to develop and grow enhance their NFTs through GameFi mechanisms.

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Script Network
Script Network

Script Network is an open source web3 live tv platform, protocol, and storage network