The two areas writers need to master in order to handle rejection.

Hudson Phillips
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2020
Photo by Madison Lavern on Unsplash

Some weeks are full of good news and forward momentum, but other times it’s full of bad news and rejection. So goes the life of the screenwriter. How are you preparing for it?

Two areas that you’re going to have to figure out on your screenwriting journey that are in a constant battle and require a difficult balance:

  1. Personal Development. Can you set goals? Can you break those goals down into a practical to-do list? Can you set up daily habits to help you reach those goals? Can you stay focused on a project in the face of constant rejection? Can you always finish what you start? Can you do all of this with one project only to see it go nowhere and be willing to put it behind you and start on the next one? It is hard and brutal, but this is what it takes.
  2. Mental Health. Can you remind yourself that your value doesn’t come from whether others accept your art or not? Can you take time to love yourself and be thankful for your journey? Can you draw boundaries from those who are trying to suck your energy away so you can retain that energy for your writing? Can you find the balance between taking time for yourself while still treating your writing like a job and hitting your deadlines?

The writers who make it are the ones who figure out these two areas. And then keep going. The job never gets easier. All that struggle and rejection you’re experiencing now only increases as you go. You gotta learn how to deal with it in a healthy way or the journey will beat you up and spit you out. It starts now. Figure out those habits to get it done and don’t forget to love yourself along the way.

Feel free to respond to this with your own personal development and mental health tips!

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Hudson Phillips

Writer. Producer. Podcaster. Founder of ScriptBlast.