A Blue Planet With A Black Hole

A Surreal Poem

Anitha Sankaran
1 min readJul 20, 2020


Image by pido67 from Pixabay

A lonely soul icepick grips
the invisible enemy in the air,
the enemy being the isolation

Expressions are better expressed
by a fighting mind
than a storming ocean, he says

Nestled between the
nest of the terrified living
he seeks the blue hole to see
the holocaust it projects

The hologram of the people
who attained halo
in the near past utter
stepping into the
vacant future fears him

No matter what,
Master of the martial arts
should live, he says

©Anitha Sankaran 2020

In response to the Saturday Poetry Prompt: expression by J.D. Harms



Anitha Sankaran

Writer | Poet | Computer Engineer. Writing emotions beyond words.