A Jester’s Redeeming Act

A fictional poem about changing ways.

Riku Arikiri


Photo by Austin Lowman on Unsplash

Jesters never do seem to care,
as empty the crowds, they try to bear
the time is nigh, to seek it there
what, you may ask — well muse my dear

laughing to their own beat, with a zest
cheering those that pass, and those who spit
the ones who reject them, and the ones who accept
to them, it's the same, as they don’t care

Who comes, and who goes — they still perform
an audience of 1, they jest without a warmth
but at times, do they stumble across
a child who sits alone in the park

He seems sad, with tears and a broken heart
the jester sees the boy, and purposely falls
to cheer the little boy, in an attempt to perform
in making the kid laugh, he aims to connect

He asks the boy, “what’s up, why the long face”
he stays quiet, with a sad voice and asks him to leave — as he cries
the jester was shaken, his trick didn’t work
well now what puzzled, he gave the boy a piece of candy in a scheme



Riku Arikiri

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.