A Letter to Moon

A Poem

Era Garg
Aug 17, 2021


Photo by the writer

I chased the butterflies
smoky, sapphire, amethyst
recorded the flutter in
a cloud conducting passion
blew it up above setting Sun
flipping moonlight's tinsel

dabbling ripples of stars
sipping galaxies, nebulae
drenched with darkness
of cosmic rendezvous
meandering magical path
it reached out to the aim,

dissolving as a frosty
flush of rosy jasmines
in moon’s milky flame
messaging to sweetheart
let’s unite on the day
death unravels life' hem.

The piece is written in response to the Saturday prompt ‘the wild natural’ by J.D. Harms in Scrittura.

Era Garg August 2021



Era Garg

An enthusiast balancing chemistry with pen & poetry, painting nature , exploring my identity in universe.