I Calls It Like I Sees It

A Liberal’s Take On Biden’s Border Blunder

Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2024


The irony boggles the mind. We build vast, colossal, and costly border barriers, and then reward everyone who penetrates them?


Welcome to America, congratulations on managing to illegally enter our country. Your bravery, perseverance, and ingenuity have earned you a place at the teats of American taxpayers who will feed, house, and clothe you until you either commit a heinous crime or enter the workforce and take jobs away from our citizens. And, if you are good boys and girls, you can be further rewarded someday by becoming naturalized citizens. So, way to go. You have successfully circumvented the system. To hell with all those poor suckers who do their due diligence and wait years to become an American. I don’t blame you though. I’d do the same thing were I in your shoes.

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Are we supposed to believe everyone in Venezuela is fleeing persecution? Being poor and being persecuted is not the same thing. You can’t get asylum from poorsecution.

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Is Biden violating his oath of office by allowing illegal, unvetted destitute strangers to stay, take our tax dollars and jobs, and jeopardize our citizens’ safety? Where’s the humanity in that? When will American citizens' safety outweigh rescuing criminals from a self-inflicted fate?
It’s no different than someone illegally breaking into your home. You don’t invite them to stay indefinitely like a long-lost relative who's down on their luck.

Keep going

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution says it is Congress’s responsibility to establish a uniform rule for the naturalization process.

Just showing up is not the rule. The one thing that will stop them from coming is knowing we are serious. Right now they would walk right through a skirmish line of armed guards because we have shown them that we won’t shoot. On the contrary, we help them get through the razor wire safely.

Almost there

I’m not anti-immigration, just anti-hypocrisy. I feel for these people, but it has to stop and be brought under control. The discussion of what happens to all the illegal immigrants that are already inside our borders is complicated.

Here we go…


If this narrative did not hit a nerve or give you pause, I say that is because you have always lived in the greatest, freest, and richest country that ever was or will be, and that you’ve never known the economic, civil, and political oppression/repression, abject poverty, starvation, helplessness, and desperation that a dystopian existence brings. A desperation that is compounded exponentially when you’re family is living under those conditions. There is nothing you won’t do to give them a chance at a better life, even if it means a long dangerous journey into the unknown or even being separated from them if only they can get across the border into America where anything is possible.

I know a little about being managed, trapped, helpless, oppressed, and repressed. Albeit, not nearly to the degree these migrants do, but enough so that I felt the need to flee my situation with considerable expense, anguish, and loss. And like the migrants, after 5 months of torment and turmoil, I am finally in my nirvana.

Texas is overwhelmed by migrants who have long suffered everything I mentioned above and have miraculously overcome tremendous obstacles to finally attain only the possibility of a new beginning in a place where life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness can be achieved without oppression and the constant threat of indiscriminate persecution.

I understand and sympathize with Texans who desperately want this to end, but hastily drawn draconian measures to stem the migrant tide make America appear very similar to that from whence they fled.

Let's find a better, more humanitarian way.

Oh, and about the issue of migrants taking your jobs. If an uneducated immigrant who can barely speak English is capable of taking a job you want, maybe you’ve squandered all that America has offered you these many years.

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